Being a Certified B Corporation® means so much to us because it's how we build on the promise of being better. And as we continue to grow as a company, we're committed to keeping what matters most central to our mission: our people, planet, and product.



We have a unique culture at Malouf™, and employee satisfaction continues to rise as a result. It's clear when we take care of our employees, they take care of our customers—and everyone wins.

Treating employees like family and customers as friends has always been our policy.

—Sam Malouf

The Malouf Foundation

The Malouf Foundation exists to fight against child sexual exploitation, specifically sex trafficking and online abuse. Together, we strive to ensure every child lives with freedom, hope, justice, and dignity—and sleeps in a safe home.

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We provide education through free community resources to help individuals understand exploitation and how to identify victims.


We promote healing through comprehensive aftercare services so survivors can recover and look toward a brighter future.


We further advocacy through justice programs and campaign efforts to offer survivors active support and improve legislation surrounding sexual exploitation.

group in gym


Our employee-run Sustainability Council is focused on finding ways to reduce environmental impact, individually and as a business through recycling, conservation, and usage.

woman on farm solar panels on roof


Our employee-run Sustainability Council is focused on finding ways to reduce environmental impact, individually and as a business through recycling, conservation, and usage.


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